


GalaXea AI 2024.2 - 2024.6
负责无人车感知数据的生成、处理以及方案设计与优化。参与基于 LiDAR 监督的 3D Occupancy 感知模型训练,同时协助进行路径规划算法(基于深度学习)的测试与优化工作,协助机械臂控制算法调试与遥操作开发。

技术:3D Occupancy,SLAM,ROS,Python,Docker

Agile Flight Traversing Dynamic Environment With Learning Based Planning and Control
新加坡国立大学 2024.9 - 至今
通过深度强化学习和可微分 MPC,实现 FPV 无人机在高速状态下穿越多个动态物体,并安全到达目标点。在Isaac Sim中搭建自定义无人机仿真平台,并部署 PX4 后端以实现高效且真实的并行训练,确保优秀的 Sim2Real 迁移效果。最终在室内动捕环境中完成实际飞行测试,成功实现无人机在不同初始状态下穿越动态环境的任务。

技术:深度强化学习、MPC、Isaac Sim、无人机 (UAV)

Autonomous Vehicle for mail and parcel delivery
新加坡国立大学(苏州)研究院 & 西交利物浦大学 2023.10 - 2024.6
设计一辆能够在园区(例如学校、公园)内的自主导航与配送的无人车。底盘采用六轮差速结构,配备双叉臂独立悬架,实现零转弯半径与稳定配送。采用 Autoware.universe 架构,“Lidar-IMU-Odometer-GPS-Radar”多传感器实现 SLAM、点云分割、路径规划与运动控制,并利用深度强化学习实现更适合园区复杂三维路面的局部路径规划。

技术:SLAM,ROS2,C/C++,Python,LQR/MPC,Reinforcement Learning

哈尔滨工业大学(深圳) 2022.9 - 2022.12
在室内场景下的药品种类识别与无人配送。利用双目摄像头感知环境,提取车道特征并识别 landmark,实现无人车在配送过程中的位姿估计。同时,根据摄像头检测的药品种类,自动确定配送终点,并完成药物的无人配送与返航。


2021 ACM-ICPC Shaanxi National Invitational 银牌
2021 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)程序设计大赛 二等奖
2022 VEXU 亚洲机器人锦标赛 冠军
2022 BOTEC 国际智能机器人技术挑战赛 二等奖
2022 中国机器人及人工智能大赛 一等奖
2023 中国高校智能机器人创意大赛 二等奖
  1. LB Tang, J Guo, RY Lei, YC Liang, QL Bu, J Sun*. 'Autonomous Delivery Vehicle System Based On Multi-Sensor Data Fusion And Autoware.universe'. ICRAE, Processing.
  1. 唐隆斌, 王锐, 何铭, 刘能峰, 一种差分舵轮及小车, 公开号 CN117104334A
竞赛/项目经历2022-2023 担任 HITSZ-VEX 机器人队负责人一职,参与机械设计与程序开发;HITSZ-OpenAuto 开源项目的主要维护者

Longbin Tang

Job: ~

Practices & Researches

Perception Algorithm Intern
GalaXea AI 2024.2 - 2024.6
Handled autonomous vehicle perception data generation, processing, and optimization. Worked on 3D Occupancy perception models supervised by LiDAR, tested and optimized deep learning-based path planning algorithms, and assisted with robotic arm control and teleoperation development.

Techs: 3D Occupancy, SLAM, ROS, Python, Docker

Agile Flight Traversing Dynamic Environment With Learning Based Planning and Control
National University of Singapore 2024.9 - Now
“Enabled an FPV drone to navigate dynamic environments and reach targets safely using deep reinforcement learning and differentiable MPC. Developed a custom simulation platform in Isaac Sim with PX4 backend for efficient training and strong Sim2Real transfer, validated through successful indoor flight tests.”

Techs: Reinforcement Learning, MPC, Isaac Sim, UAV

Autonomous Vehicle for Mail and Parcel Delivery
NUSRI & XJTLU 2023.10 - 2024.6
“Designed an autonomous vehicle for campus navigation and delivery using a six-wheel differential chassis with double-wishbone suspension for zero turning radius and stable delivery. Integrated ‘Lidar-IMU-Odometer-GPS-Radar’ sensors with Autoware.universe for SLAM, point cloud segmentation, path planning, and motion control. Employed deep reinforcement learning for local path planning on complex campus surfaces.”

Techs: SLAM, ROS2, C/C++, Python, LQR/MPC, Reinforcement Learning

Binocular Vision-Based Drug Delivery Autonomous Vehicle
Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) 2022.9 - 2022.12
“Developed an indoor drug recognition and delivery system using binocular cameras for environment perception, lane feature extraction, and landmark recognition. The system automatically determined delivery destinations and completed unmanned delivery and return based on the detected drug type.”

Techs: Python, C/C++, ROS, OpenCV, Object Detection

2021 ACM-ICPC Shaanxi National Invitational Sliver
2021 HITSZ Programming Contest Second Prize
2022 VEXU Asia Robotics Championship Champion
2022 BOTEC Second Prize
2022 CRAIC First Prize
2023 CUIRIC Second Prize
  1. LB Tang, J Guo, RY Lei, YC Liang, QL Bu, J Sun*. 'Autonomous Delivery Vehicle System Based On Multi-Sensor Data Fusion And Autoware.universe'. ICRAE, Processing.
  1. Tang Longbin, Wang Rui, He Ming, Liu Nengfeng, A Differential Steering Wheel and Vehicle, Publication No. CN117104334A