Practices & Researches
Perception Algorithm Intern
GalaXea AI 2024.2 - 2024.6
Handled autonomous vehicle perception data generation, processing, and optimization. Worked on 3D Occupancy perception models supervised by LiDAR, tested and optimized deep learning-based path planning algorithms, and assisted with robotic arm control and teleoperation development.
Techs: 3D Occupancy, SLAM, ROS, Python, Docker
Agile Flight Traversing Dynamic Environment With Learning Based Planning and Control
National University of Singapore 2024.9 - Now
“Enabled an FPV drone to navigate dynamic environments and reach targets safely using deep reinforcement learning and differentiable MPC. Developed a custom simulation platform in Isaac Sim with PX4 backend for efficient training and strong Sim2Real transfer, validated through successful indoor flight tests.”
Techs: Reinforcement Learning, MPC, Isaac Sim, UAV
Autonomous Vehicle for Mail and Parcel Delivery
NUSRI & XJTLU 2023.10 - 2024.6
“Designed an autonomous vehicle for campus navigation and delivery using a six-wheel differential chassis with double-wishbone suspension for zero turning radius and stable delivery. Integrated ‘Lidar-IMU-Odometer-GPS-Radar’ sensors with Autoware.universe for SLAM, point cloud segmentation, path planning, and motion control. Employed deep reinforcement learning for local path planning on complex campus surfaces.”
Techs: SLAM, ROS2, C/C++, Python, LQR/MPC, Reinforcement Learning
Binocular Vision-Based Drug Delivery Autonomous Vehicle
Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) 2022.9 - 2022.12
“Developed an indoor drug recognition and delivery system using binocular cameras for environment perception, lane feature extraction, and landmark recognition. The system automatically determined delivery destinations and completed unmanned delivery and return based on the detected drug type.”
Techs: Python, C/C++, ROS, OpenCV, Object Detection