「IMU 数据融合」Magdwick 算法简介

Magdwick 是一种常用的 IMU 传感器数据融合算法,其利用「加速度计」与「磁力计」作为反馈来修正「陀螺仪」,使得「IMU」解算出更准确的姿态。

第一步:认识 IMU

IMU 全称 “Inertial Measurement Unit”,即「惯性测量单元」。通常由「陀螺仪」与「加速度计」组成,称为「六轴 IMU」。常用的部分 “IMU” 附带「磁力计」与「气压计」,分别构成「九轴 IMU」与「十轴 IMU」。



加速度计可测量 “X-Y-Z” 三轴的加速度大小,单位:$m/s^2$

需要注意的是,”IMU” 水平静止时,其测量值为:

\[\vec{a} = \left[ \begin{matrix} a_x \\ a_y \\ a_z \end{matrix} \right] = \left[ \begin{matrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ g \end{matrix} \right]\]


这样的测量结果源于加速度计的测量原理,这里不做深入探讨,可以简化为「弹簧秤」来理解,其静止时「弹簧秤」由于重力被压缩,测量值即为重力的「正值」。同时可以推断,当 “IMU” 做「自由落体」运动时,加速度计的测量值为:$[0, 0, 0]^T$


陀螺仪可测量 “X-Y-Z” 三轴旋转的角速度大小,单位:$rad/s$

旋转方向可用「右手定则」判断,当 “IMU” 水平时,yaw 轴旋转方向为:

  • 逆时针——正
  • 顺时针——负

陀螺仪有多种测量原理,常用的 “MEMS” 陀螺仪的测量原理与加速度计类似,但其测量值容易收到温度影响而产生「温飘」


磁力计可测量地磁场强度,本文磁场方向均为:东(X)-北(Y)-天(Z),单位:$\mu T$



  • 磁场强度:$[45 \mu T, 50 \mu T]$
  • 磁倾角:$[30^\circ, 50^\circ]$
  • 磁偏角:$[-2^\circ, -6^\circ]$

可以看到,磁场强度 $\vec{m}$ 的方向大致为「指向北极、偏向地面」,可以根据此特点来判断磁力计自身三个轴的方向,确保与 “IMU” 坐标系相同

第二步:为什么要「数据融合(Sensor Fusion)」

使用 IMU 的目的通常是为了获取机体的姿态,即:Pitch($\theta$)、Roll($\phi$)、Yaw($\psi$)




\[\vec{\omega} = \left[ \begin{matrix} \omega_x \\ \omega_y \\ \omega_z \end{matrix} \right]\]


\[\theta = \int \omega_x dt \\ \phi = \int \omega_y dt \\ \psi = \int \omega_z dt\]



\[\vec{\omega} = \vec{\omega_0} + \vec{\gamma}\]

其中,噪声 $\vec{\gamma}$ 对温度敏感,积分后导致姿态产生随时间变化的偏移


当机体 Pitch($\theta$)、Roll($\phi$) 不为 0 时,重力 $\vec{g}$ 会在 X-Y 平面产生分量:

\[a_x = -g \sin(\phi) \cos(\theta) \\ a_y = g \sin(\theta) \\ a_z = g \cos(\phi) \cos(\theta)\]


\[\theta = \arcsin(\frac{a_y}{g}) \\ \phi = \arccos(\frac{a_z}{g \cos(\theta)})\]



  • 无法解算 Yaw
  • 加速度计的测量值通常附带「高频」噪声



但是,磁力计非常容易收到外界磁场(强磁与弱磁)的干扰,只适合在开阔无持续干扰的环境中使用,因此非常多场景中,IMU 不使用磁力计解算所有姿态角,而仅作为 Yaw 的反馈测量


通过上述讲解,IMU 数据融合的思路便非常清晰了,即:

  • Gyro 积分获得姿态
  • Accelerometer 修正 Pitch 与 Roll
  • Magnetometer 修正 Yaw(可选)


  • 基于互补滤波的 Mahony
  • 基于反馈补偿的 Magdwick
  • 基于最优估计的 Kalman Filter

本文以 Magdwick 为例讲解 「IMU 数据融合」

Magdwick Algorithm



  1. 设置 Gyro、Accelerometer、Magnetometer 的标定参数(如果测量精度要求不高,可选)
  2. 初始化 AHRS 对象(负责姿态解算)与 OFFSET对象(用于估计 Gyro 零偏,可选)
  3. 获取 IMU 测量数据(确保每个坐标系对齐,这很重要)
  4. 利用测量数据更新 OFFSET 并剔除 Gyro 零偏
  5. 将步骤(4)中的数据传入 AHRS 对象进行「加速度计反馈」「磁力计反馈」「陀螺仪积分」
  6. 输出解算后的姿态角,并返回步骤(3)


flowchart TD
    Calibration --> Initialization
    Initialization --> Measurement --> |Acc & Mag| AHRS
    Measurement --> |Gyro| OFFSET --> |NewGyro| AHRS
    AHRS --> Ouput --> Measurement


#include "../../Fusion/Fusion.h"


int main() {

    // Define calibration (replace with actual calibration data if available)
    const FusionMatrix gyroscopeMisalignment = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
    const FusionVector gyroscopeSensitivity = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
    const FusionVector gyroscopeOffset = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
    const FusionMatrix accelerometerMisalignment = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
    const FusionVector accelerometerSensitivity = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
    const FusionVector accelerometerOffset = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
    const FusionMatrix softIronMatrix = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
    const FusionVector hardIronOffset = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};


    // This loop should repeat each time new gyroscope data is available
    while (true) {


        // Apply calibration
        gyroscope = FusionCalibrationInertial(gyroscope, gyroscopeMisalignment, gyroscopeSensitivity, gyroscopeOffset);
        accelerometer = FusionCalibrationInertial(accelerometer, accelerometerMisalignment, accelerometerSensitivity, accelerometerOffset);
        magnetometer = FusionCalibrationMagnetic(magnetometer, softIronMatrix, hardIronOffset);




Inertial calibration

The FusionCalibrationInertial function applies gyroscope and accelerometer calibration parameters using the calibration model:

\[i_c = Ms(i_u - b)\]
  • $i_c$ is the calibrated inertial measurement and return value
  • $i_u$ is the uncalibrated inertial measurement and uncalibrated argument
  • $M$ is the misalignment matrix and misalignment argument
  • $s$ is the sensitivity diagonal matrix and sensitivity argument
  • $b$ is the offset vector and offset argument

Magnetic calibration

The FusionCalibrationMagnetic function applies magnetometer calibration parameters using the calibration model:

\[m_c = S(m_u - h)\]
  • $m_c$ is the calibrated magnetometer measurement and return value
  • $m_u$ is the uncalibrated magnetometer measurement and uncalibrated argument
  • $S$ is the soft iron matrix and softIronMatrix argument
  • $h$ is the hard iron offset vector and hardIronOffset argument


#include "../../Fusion/Fusion.h"


#define SAMPLE_RATE (100) // replace this with actual sample rate

int main() {


    // Initialise algorithms
    FusionOffset offset;
    FusionAhrs ahrs;

    FusionOffsetInitialise(&offset, SAMPLE_RATE);

    // Set AHRS algorithm settings
    const FusionAhrsSettings settings = {
            .convention = FusionConventionEnu,
            .gain = 0.5f,
            .gyroscopeRange = 2000.0f, /* replace this with actual gyroscope range in degrees/s */
            .accelerationRejection = 10.0f,
            .magneticRejection = 10.0f,
            .recoveryTriggerPeriod = 5 * SAMPLE_RATE, /* 5 seconds */
    FusionAhrsSetSettings(&ahrs, &settings);

    // This loop should repeat each time new gyroscope data is available
    while (true) {




  • OFFSET 的频率 SAMPLE_RATE 和测量频率保持一致
  • FusionAhrsSettings 的参数:
    • convention 选择 Enu(东-北-天)
    • gain 为补偿增益,当 gain = 0 时,补偿不参与,姿态仅有 Gyro 积分获得
    • gyroscopeRange 需要参考实际 Gyro
    • accelerationRejectionmagneticRejection 为补偿阈值(单位:度),当误差超过这个范围时不进行反馈补偿
    • recoveryTriggerPeriod 补偿失效后的恢复时间


#include "../../Fusion/Fusion.h"


int main() {


    // This loop should repeat each time new gyroscope data is available
    while (true) {

        // Acquire latest sensor data
        FusionVector gyroscope = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; // replace this with actual gyroscope data in degrees/s
        FusionVector accelerometer = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}; // replace this with actual accelerometer data in g
        FusionVector magnetometer = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; // replace this with actual magnetometer data in arbitrary units



每次循环开始都获取 IMU 测量值,单位:

  • Gyro:degrees/s
  • Accelerometer:g
  • Magnetometer:Any(Recommend $\mu T$)


#include "../../Fusion/Fusion.h"


int main() {


    // This loop should repeat each time new gyroscope data is available
    while (true) {


        // Update gyroscope offset correction algorithm
        gyroscope = FusionOffsetUpdate(&offset, gyroscope);


 * @file FusionOffset.c
 * @author Seb Madgwick
 * @brief Gyroscope offset correction algorithm for run-time calibration of the
 * gyroscope offset.

// Includes

#include "FusionOffset.h"
#include <math.h> // fabs

// Definitions

 * @brief Cutoff frequency in Hz.
#define CUTOFF_FREQUENCY (0.02f)

 * @brief Timeout in seconds.
#define TIMEOUT (5)

 * @brief Threshold in degrees per second.
#define THRESHOLD (3.0f)

// Functions

 * @brief Initialises the gyroscope offset algorithm.
 * @param offset Gyroscope offset algorithm structure.
 * @param sampleRate Sample rate in Hz.
void FusionOffsetInitialise(FusionOffset *const offset, const unsigned int sampleRate) {
    offset->filterCoefficient = 2.0f * (float) M_PI * CUTOFF_FREQUENCY * (1.0f / (float) sampleRate);
    offset->timeout = TIMEOUT * sampleRate;
    offset->timer = 0;
    offset->gyroscopeOffset = FUSION_VECTOR_ZERO;

 * @brief Updates the gyroscope offset algorithm and returns the corrected
 * gyroscope measurement.
 * @param offset Gyroscope offset algorithm structure.
 * @param gyroscope Gyroscope measurement in degrees per second.
 * @return Corrected gyroscope measurement in degrees per second.
FusionVector FusionOffsetUpdate(FusionOffset *const offset, FusionVector gyroscope) {

    // Subtract offset from gyroscope measurement
    gyroscope = FusionVectorSubtract(gyroscope, offset->gyroscopeOffset);

    // Reset timer if gyroscope not stationary
    if ((fabs(gyroscope.axis.x) > THRESHOLD) || (fabs(gyroscope.axis.y) > THRESHOLD) || (fabs(gyroscope.axis.z) > THRESHOLD)) {
        offset->timer = 0;
        return gyroscope;

    // Increment timer while gyroscope stationary
    if (offset->timer < offset->timeout) {
        return gyroscope;

    // Adjust offset if timer has elapsed
    offset->gyroscopeOffset = FusionVectorAdd(offset->gyroscopeOffset, FusionVectorMultiplyScalar(gyroscope, offset->filterCoefficient));
    return gyroscope;

// End of file

OFFSET 本质上是一个低通滤波器,用于估计 Gyro 在静止时的零偏,注意点如下:

  • 仅仅在静止状态工作
  • 静止的判断条件由「阈值」与「TimeOut」判断
  • 可调节截止频率 CUTOFF_FREQUENCY 来改变低通滤波器的频率特性(建议默认)


#include "../../Fusion/Fusion.h"


int main() {


    // This loop should repeat each time new gyroscope data is available
    while (true) {


        // Update gyroscope AHRS algorithm
        FusionAhrsUpdate(&ahrs, gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, deltaTime);



参数中 deltaTime 为每次循环的时间


 * @brief Updates the AHRS algorithm using the gyroscope, accelerometer, and
 * magnetometer measurements.
 * @param ahrs AHRS algorithm structure.
 * @param gyroscope Gyroscope measurement in degrees per second.
 * @param accelerometer Accelerometer measurement in g.
 * @param magnetometer Magnetometer measurement in arbitrary units.
 * @param deltaTime Delta time in seconds.
void FusionAhrsUpdate(FusionAhrs *const ahrs, const FusionVector gyroscope, const FusionVector accelerometer, const FusionVector magnetometer, const float deltaTime) {
#define Q ahrs->quaternion.element

    // Store accelerometer
    ahrs->accelerometer = accelerometer;

    // Reinitialise if gyroscope range exceeded
    if ((fabs(gyroscope.axis.x) > ahrs->settings.gyroscopeRange) || (fabs(gyroscope.axis.y) > ahrs->settings.gyroscopeRange) || (fabs(gyroscope.axis.z) > ahrs->settings.gyroscopeRange)) {
        const FusionQuaternion quaternion = ahrs->quaternion;
        ahrs->quaternion = quaternion;
        ahrs->angularRateRecovery = true;

    // Ramp down gain during initialisation
    if (ahrs->initialising == true) {
        ahrs->rampedGain -= ahrs->rampedGainStep * deltaTime;
        if ((ahrs->rampedGain < ahrs->settings.gain) || (ahrs->settings.gain == 0.0f)) {
            ahrs->rampedGain = ahrs->settings.gain;
            ahrs->initialising = false;
            ahrs->angularRateRecovery = false;

    // Calculate direction of gravity indicated by algorithm
    const FusionVector halfGravity = HalfGravity(ahrs);

    // Calculate accelerometer feedback
    FusionVector halfAccelerometerFeedback = FUSION_VECTOR_ZERO;
    ahrs->accelerometerIgnored = true;
    if (FusionVectorIsZero(accelerometer) == false) {

        // Calculate accelerometer feedback scaled by 0.5
        ahrs->halfAccelerometerFeedback = Feedback(FusionVectorNormalise(accelerometer), halfGravity);

        // Don't ignore accelerometer if acceleration error below threshold
        if ((ahrs->initialising == true) || ((FusionVectorMagnitudeSquared(ahrs->halfAccelerometerFeedback) <= ahrs->settings.accelerationRejection))) {
            ahrs->accelerometerIgnored = false;
            ahrs->accelerationRecoveryTrigger -= 9;
        } else {
            ahrs->accelerationRecoveryTrigger += 1;

        // Don't ignore accelerometer during acceleration recovery
        if (ahrs->accelerationRecoveryTrigger > ahrs->accelerationRecoveryTimeout) {
            ahrs->accelerationRecoveryTimeout = 0;
            ahrs->accelerometerIgnored = false;
        } else {
            ahrs->accelerationRecoveryTimeout = ahrs->settings.recoveryTriggerPeriod;
        ahrs->accelerationRecoveryTrigger = Clamp(ahrs->accelerationRecoveryTrigger, 0, ahrs->settings.recoveryTriggerPeriod);

        // Apply accelerometer feedback
        if (ahrs->accelerometerIgnored == false) {
            halfAccelerometerFeedback = ahrs->halfAccelerometerFeedback;

    // Calculate magnetometer feedback
    FusionVector halfMagnetometerFeedback = FUSION_VECTOR_ZERO;
    ahrs->magnetometerIgnored = true;
    if (FusionVectorIsZero(magnetometer) == false) {

        // Calculate direction of magnetic field indicated by algorithm
        const FusionVector halfMagnetic = HalfMagnetic(ahrs);

        // Calculate magnetometer feedback scaled by 0.5
        ahrs->halfMagnetometerFeedback = Feedback(FusionVectorNormalise(FusionVectorCrossProduct(halfGravity, magnetometer)), halfMagnetic);

        // Don't ignore magnetometer if magnetic error below threshold
        if ((ahrs->initialising == true) || ((FusionVectorMagnitudeSquared(ahrs->halfMagnetometerFeedback) <= ahrs->settings.magneticRejection))) {
            ahrs->magnetometerIgnored = false;
            ahrs->magneticRecoveryTrigger -= 9;
        } else {
            ahrs->magneticRecoveryTrigger += 1;

        // Don't ignore magnetometer during magnetic recovery
        if (ahrs->magneticRecoveryTrigger > ahrs->magneticRecoveryTimeout) {
            ahrs->magneticRecoveryTimeout = 0;
            ahrs->magnetometerIgnored = false;
        } else {
            ahrs->magneticRecoveryTimeout = ahrs->settings.recoveryTriggerPeriod;
        ahrs->magneticRecoveryTrigger = Clamp(ahrs->magneticRecoveryTrigger, 0, ahrs->settings.recoveryTriggerPeriod);

        // Apply magnetometer feedback
        if (ahrs->magnetometerIgnored == false) {
            halfMagnetometerFeedback = ahrs->halfMagnetometerFeedback;

    // Convert gyroscope to radians per second scaled by 0.5
    const FusionVector halfGyroscope = FusionVectorMultiplyScalar(gyroscope, FusionDegreesToRadians(0.5f));

    // Apply feedback to gyroscope
    const FusionVector adjustedHalfGyroscope = FusionVectorAdd(halfGyroscope, FusionVectorMultiplyScalar(FusionVectorAdd(halfAccelerometerFeedback, halfMagnetometerFeedback), ahrs->rampedGain));

    // Integrate rate of change of quaternion
    ahrs->quaternion = FusionQuaternionAdd(ahrs->quaternion, FusionQuaternionMultiplyVector(ahrs->quaternion, FusionVectorMultiplyScalar(adjustedHalfGyroscope, deltaTime)));

    // Normalise quaternion
    ahrs->quaternion = FusionQuaternionNormalise(ahrs->quaternion);
#undef Q



  1. 根据当前姿态「推断(计算)」此刻重力加速度的方向,或者说计算重力加速度在 X-Y-Z 三个轴上的「推断投影」,记为

  2. 加速度的测量值为

  3. 它们之间的差异可以用如下公式来衡量(以下描述并不准确,具体计算有区别)

    \[\frac{\vec{g}_{m} \times \vec{g}_{c}}{|\vec{g}_{m}| * |\vec{g}_{c}|} = \sin(\Delta \theta) \approx \Delta \theta \\ \text{for small $\Delta \theta$}\]
  4. 则角速度误差为

    \[\frac{\Delta \theta }{\Delta T}\]
  5. 将此误差反馈到 Gyro 的测量值


磁力计反馈与加速度计反馈相似,但只反馈 Z 轴角速度误差


  1. 根据当前姿态「推断(计算)」此刻重力加速度的方向,或者说计算重力加速度在 X-Y-Z 三个轴上的「推断投影」,记为

  2. 磁力计测量值为

  3. 测量的正北方向为

    \[\vec{W}_m = \vec{g}_{c} \times \vec{M}_m \\ \vec{N}_m = \vec{W}_m \times \vec{g}_{c}\]
  4. 根据当前姿态「推断(计算)」此刻正北的方向,即 Z 的旋转,记为

  5. 同理计算误差

    \[\frac{\vec{N}_{m} \times \vec{N}_{c}}{|\vec{N}_{m}| * |\vec{N}_{c}|} = \sin(\Delta \theta) \approx \Delta \theta \\ \text{for small $\Delta \theta$}\]
  6. 则角速度误差为

    \[\frac{\Delta \theta }{\Delta T}\]
  7. 将此误差反馈到 Gyro 的测量值


由反馈补偿后的 Gyro 测量值积分获得姿态


#include "../../Fusion/Fusion.h"


int main() {


    // This loop should repeat each time new gyroscope data is available
    while (true) {


        // Print algorithm outputs
        const FusionEuler euler = FusionQuaternionToEuler(FusionAhrsGetQuaternion(&ahrs));
        const FusionVector earth = FusionAhrsGetEarthAcceleration(&ahrs);

        printf("Roll %0.1f, Pitch %0.1f, Yaw %0.1f, X %0.1f, Y %0.1f, Z %0.1f\n",
               euler.angle.roll, euler.angle.pitch, euler.angle.yaw,
               earth.axis.x, earth.axis.y, earth.axis.z);





Magdwicks 算法使用了「反馈」的思想来实现「数据融合」,思路巧妙,值得深入学习

同时,IMU 作为当今机器人控制「必不可少」的传感器之一,掌握「IMU」的原理与使用非常重要

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(采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议进行授权)

本文标题:《 IMU Fusion Algorithm -- Magdwick 》


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